INES helping Malawi to predict the occurrence of diseases

INES researcher, Dr. Jones Albuquerque, took part in a mission to Malawi with other scientists from UFPE in partnershipt with UNICEF. The mission is intended to explore the use of technology to predict the occurrence of diseases such as cholera, malaria and bilharzia. Dr Albuquerque projects at INES explore the use of drone technology to support the surveillance/detection to predict and deal with diseases.

INES supports the mission by partially funding Dr Albuquerque’s research since 2010 with scholarships and equipment, such as the drone used in Malawi.

INES also spinned-off the HealthDrones Company ( from the academic project with the same name, HealthDrones ( The Spin-off is also in the Unicef’s mission in Malawi.

UNICEF’s twitter account reports the mission in Malawi


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