INES has associated (founders) laboratories in 9 institutions distributed in 5 Brazilian states (all of them in the Northeast of Brazil), they are part of the seminal proposal to the Minister of Science and Technology:
- CIn/UFPE (Recife, PE)
- CESAR (Recife, PE)
- DCC/UFBA (Salvador, BA)
- DSC/UFCG (Campina Grande, PB)
- DI/UFPB (João Pessoa, PB)
- DIMAP/UFRN (Natal, RN)
- DCOMP/UFS (Aracaju, SE)
- FACAPE (Petrolina, PE)
Moreover, in the first eight years term, INES originated and is an integral and fundamental part of the ISI-TICs (SENAI Innovation Institute for Information Technology and Communication), one of 26 Innovation Institutes created by SENAI/CNI (National Service for Industrial Training/National Confederation of Industry Brazil) whose were conceived to strengthen and support the competitiveness of the Brazilian Manufacturing Firms from all sectors of the supply chain. Therefore, ISI-TICs as a whole can be seen as an INES lab.
- ISI-TICs (Recife, PE)
The new INES term/grant, also called INES 2.0, has three new institutions as part of the formal group of laboratories: